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Scheme of Delegation and other key documentation

After very detailed and collegiate consultation and collaboration with Headteachers and Local Governing Bodies (LGBs), we are delighted to be able to publish the following twelve documents which give great detail in respect of how our Trust works.

The key document outlining Roles and Responsibilities is document 5.  This explains what LGBs, Heads, the Executive (CEO / CFO) and Directors are responsible for.

2023/24 documents remain valid until 31.12.24; new documentation for 2025 will be uploaded thereafter.

Clicking the title of each item will open the full document.   

1. Articles of Association (the agreement between the DfE & our Trust in respect of our educational purpose),

2. Scheme of Delegation (a high-level description of where responsibility and authority rest in the Trust),

3. Constitution of the Local Governing Bodies (LGBs, how they are formed and comprised),

4. RCDOW Protocols for Academies (Diocesan guidance for all Catholic schools to follow),

5. Roles and Responsibilities document Setting out exactly what LGBs, Heads, CEO/Exec., and Directors do and are responsible for), draft 2024/2025 Roles and Responsibilities

6. Terms of Reference (Procedural details re No.5 above), draft 2024/2025 Terms of Reference

7. Schedule of Business/Calendar (Placing No.5 into time-specific periods),

8. Mission, Vision, Strategy,

9. Finance Control Model (How finances are controlled across the Trust),

10. Trust Financial Regulations (fine detail regarding finance procedures across the Trust),

11. Trust Scheme of Financial Delegation (Detailed progression of responsibilities for financial decision-making),

12. Policy list (Identifying the policies we have in our schools and where they are formed).